2015 Paris Terrorist attacks

2015 Paris Terrorist attacks

The news about the terrorist attack that had happened last Friday in Paris spread all over the world. According to the last news from Site the terrorists from the Islamic state took the responsibility for making the attack and killing a big number of civilians. The horrible event happened late on Friday night. This date 13 of November is a mourning day for all French people. The people of France understand that this is the first step on the way to war. A war between two world: peaceful and violently. A trigger-happy world consists from people who are ready to say goodbye to their own life in order to make others suffer. Is it worth? What do the terrorists think before undermining themselves? Do they think it will make this world better? The question is still difficult to answer.

The French people also don’t know what was the reason for killing so many people who are innocent? Why should civilians suffer because the governments dispute on different topics? Why cannot they solve the problems without making harm to people in their countries?

The Islamic terrorists have chosen some of the most frequently visited places in Paris, and there they undermined themselves. There were eight terrorists; the attack happened during the football game at stadium State de France. The suicide murderers knew about the game between France and Germany on this day. The stadium was full of people. The bomb was set off there in order to harm as more people as it was possible. How did they get the information and sign to detonate? Who was helping them? Nothing is known yet.

Another place incident was at the city center; where lots of Parisians and tourists gathered to spend a Friday evening – café La Belle equipe. Not far from this place, in a concert hall Le Bataclan hundreds of people came to listen to Eagles of death Metal – a well known music band. More than 100 people were taken as prisoners; after the police came, most of victims were already dead.

It is difficult to imagine what the French people feel about the event; there is fear. Nobody knows what will be the next place of attack. Nobody knows when it will happen. The terrorists said it was only the beginning. France should wait for something more horrible.

Meanwhile the president of France François Hollande announced about state of emergency in the whole country. It was a very smart step. Most of planes that should have arrived to Paris are cancelled. Foreign people make up the main danger for France. Today checking at airports and French train boarders are more careful; the board guard checks each one in order to be sure he doesn’t constitute a menace for France.

François Hollande claimed not to leave home; avoid staying at places where there are many people and try to keep calm.

The European Union and its members totally support France. They didn’t expect this to happen. Now Europe tries to help the French to cope with the results of the terrorist attack. The United States is astonished – the situation in Paris reminded the Americans the horrify event of 11 of September. Many of journalists and political analytics say that the terror attack in Mumbai in 2008 somehow has similar features with that in Paris.

According to the French mass media up to 14 of November there were 128 killed people. More than 100 are in critical conditions. The victims were immediately transferred to hospitals were doctors were trying to save their lives.

Nobody stays indifferent. The security measures are already strengthened; a state emergency is announced. Everyone hopes for calm and peaceful atmosphere.

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