Buy an essay: Call centres based in India

Call centres based in India should develop their human resource management. In actuality, call centres based in India underestimate substantially the significance of human resources in the contemporary business environment. This trend results from the large number of employees willing to work in call centres. At the same time, employees working in call centres are motivated by the relatively high salary. Therefore, call centres based in India use the material motivation of their employees. However, the problem of call centres based in India is the lack of motivators used by human resource managers. What is meant here is the fact that human resource management of call centres based in India is oriented on the motivation of employees and human resource managers fail to use non-material motivators. In fact, human resource managers in call centres based in India use salary and bonuses as the main motivators and they maintain the major hygiene factors to keep employees satisfied.
However, in the contemporary business environment the use of material motivators and hygiene factors alone is not enough to keep employees motivated and satisfied with their job. Moreover, employees or human resources comprise an important asset of any company, which increase its marketing value substantially. Therefore, the negligence with human resources put Indian call centres into a disadvantageous position compared to their rivals. In a long-run perspective, such a situation may lead to the deterioration of the position of call centres based in India and shift of investments and outsourcing to other countries, where call centres are more concerned with their human resources and develop more effective human resource management policies. In such a way, the future of call centres based in India is under a threat, unless they change their human resource management strategy.
In this regard, it is possible to recommend using more effective approaches to human resource management paying a particular attention to using effective motivators, which are not necessarily material motivators. In actuality, call centres based in India should develop healthy organizational culture and they should maintain the development of employees’ loyalty to call centres. In this respect, non-material motivators can be effective. For instance, call centres based in India can develop loyalty programs, which involve effective compensation plans, material rewards for employees working in the company certain time, promotion of employees and others. In such a way, call centres based in India can improve human resource management and, thus, increase job satisfaction of employees that will lead to the decrease of the staff turnover rate. It proves beyond a doubt that the improvement of human resource management can contribute to the improvement of the organisational performance, whereas the improvement of the organisational performance is based on the development of positive interpersonal relationships and job satisfaction of employees. In such a way, companies will use services of call centres based in India because they will be able to keep growing due to the use of the full potential of their human resources.
Finally, call centres based in India can use delegation to improve interpersonal relations and to increase the job satisfaction that prevents the high staff turnover. In fact, the delegation will contribute to the effective cooperation between employees and managers because employees have to perform different functions, which are not normally attributed to them. As a result, employees acquire new experience and develop new skills and abilities. In addition, they learn how other employees work. As a result, they grew conscious of possible problems and difficulties other employees face and they attempt to help each other to facilitate the work of other employees. In such a way, through the growing cooperation of employees, they can improve interpersonal relationships and increase their job satisfaction preventing the staff turnover.
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