Buy an essay on Religion

. Dhyana is a sanskit word which is translated like meditation. Same term sounds as “chan” in Chinese and “zen” in Japanese. The practice of meditation is an attempt to reach the state of no-mind. In this state the thinking process is controlled by the individual and he can reach the state of observer.
5.Zen answer to the question “Where are you going” assumes that the person is presented in the present moment and answers the first thing which is in his mind without reflections. Three different answer to the question, which included “Wherever my feet will carry me,” “Wherever the wind will blow me,” “To buy vegetables,” reflect the meditative state of moment and show personality who gives direct response to the reality around and give the first answer which comes to his mind.
6.Tozan Ryokai – is the first Patriarch and the founder of Soto Zen.
7. The saying “The blue mountain is the father of the white cloud. The white cloud is the son of the blue mountain.” belongs to Tozan. It reflects the relations of two things of persons who depend on each other. These relations may reflect the relations of man and women or teacher and disciple and they reflect the natural flow of life.
8. Zen way is a practice of meditation, which derives from Mahayana Buddhism. Zen way includes progressive methods of meditation and different techniques which aim to help disciples to reach the higher state of meditation.
9. Living in the moment is a state which can be reached with the help of meditation practices, such as zen, for example. This state implies “empty” mind when the person does not think about anything and only reflects reality like a mirror.
10. The self is regarded as a part of other people because there is a one ultimate source of everything in the world and this source is common for everybody. Different people are only manifestation of this ultimate energy.
11. In Buddhism ego is a set of personal characteristics, which prevents people from true understanding of reality. The ego arrives when the person makes distinction between the subject and the object, when the person limits himself from the world around him.
12. Buddhists ring bells which symbolizes liberation of mind. The sound of bells reminds people about awakening of the mind, when it becomes pure and the person becomes truly liberated.
13. Sangha is a community of people who have common goal. Usually this term is used for Buddhist communities.
14. Zazen is a practice of sitting meditaion in Zen.
15. Buddhism a philosophy of realism because it teaches to center on the present moment. People are thought that they can reach liberation with the help of their actions – the practice of meditation, for example. All people have ability to become liberation and this depends on their personal effort.
16. In contrast to Buddhism, most of other religions turn to idealism. They turn to the will of God in all spheres of human life.
17. Buddhists regard the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic as the relation between body and mind. While this systems act one by one, Buddhist try to reach the state of oneness of body and mind where this two systems will work together.
18. The main goal of meditation is to learn how to control person’s mind. This will stop thinking process and will help the person to see the world without dual division.
19. The Middle Way is a way chosen by Gotama Buddha is the easiest way to reach liberation. This way lies in between rigid ascetic practices and enormous sensual pleasures. The Middle Way is a way of wisdom.
20. Zen way divided into two main schools, called Rinzai and Soto in Japan.
21. Zazen is a practice of sitting meditation, and the main goal of each mediation
is to reach the liberation of mind. It is naturally that stress will be relieved when the person approaches to main goal of zazen, but still the state of no-mind is the main goal here.
22. Religion plays an important role in Japan and Zen, after become a popular religion or teaching, made a great influence on different spheres of life Japan.
23. Myamoto Musashi was a Japanese samurai, who became famous for his special fighting style. He founded Niten-ryū style of sword fighting and wrote the book called The Book of Five Rings, which presents basic philosophical ideas of fighting.
24. Reaching special state of mind, same like in Zen, became the main samurai principle of Mushin.
25. Bushido is a set of rules of moral behavior of Samurais. Bushido was greatly influenced by Zen Buddhism and Confucianism.
26. Ku is one of important terms of Bushido
27. Zen archers practice Zazen because they believe that it can help to reach special state of mind when their body and their mind will see no limitations and this will help them to reach the goal.
28. Sutra is a collections of discourses in Classical Buddhism.
29. Zen became a revolutionary teaching which rejected the dogmas of Buddhism and that is why it does not recognize Buddhist Sutras. Zen counts only on zazen and koans.
30. Soto face the wall during meditation. They meditate with their eyes open and facing the wall helps them not to be disturbed by external objects.
31. The whack on the shoulder is a popular practice in Zen. This whack is made in order to make the person suddenly realize himself at the present moment and to stop thinking process.
32. Zendo is a meditation hall. Usually it is a place for zazen meditation.
33. Rinzai use koans a supplementation of zazen practice. Koans are tasks which aim to put the mind of disciple in stupor and make him experience the state of no-mind.
34. Roshi is addressing to teacher in Zen Buddhim. This term us usually used to addressed the leader of Zen sangha.
35. Kyoto is considered to be the capital of Zen in Japan.
36. Rinzai is still popular teaching nowadays and there are many Rinzai temples in the contemporary Japan.


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