Buy an essay on Sociology assignment

. What are the long-term implications of the open sale of human organs for social unity and divisiveness in the United States?
The problem of sale of human organs is a matter of division of society into two views for and against. Also, this issue has two problems:
– A rapid withdrawal of transplantation at the level of mass practice;
– An equally rapid growth of the declarations and documents of ethics adopted by professional associations, regulations and new laws, which develops and offers modern law and adopt modern nations of Europe and America, Asia and Africa.
Modern transplant did not create utopian concepts, but wants to reach the level of ethical rules and standards of sale of human organs. They see a direct connection between the progressive development of transplantation and overcoming of social psychological barrier in the form of traditional religious culture, with its system of rituals and attitudes towards death. They believe that the success of transplantation is possible only in conditions of developed and prepared public opinion, that shall have absolute humanistic values across the range of practices of organ transplantation. Changing spiritual situation in the society, the democratization of social consciousness, which centered on the idea of human rights, led to a change in measures of responsibility for human life. The increase in moral pluralism, the need for ethical and legal controls on the experimental research, medicalization of life, the globalization of bioethical issues – all this makes urgent the task of further development of the social problems of bioethics, which includes the issue of trade of human organs.
5. What are the most insightful or useful measures of class position? Why? How does inequality on each of these measures affect the lives of individuals?
The recent trend in democratic industrialized countries of the world is increasing social mobility, that improve the status to representatives of every individual groups in society combined with the persistence of their unequal socio-economic position. Subordination of the major social groups, their division into superior and inferior position reflects the concept of “social class”.
Social classes are usually distinguished from other on the basis of their economic situation, the stability of the social situation of their representatives, difficulty of social mobility, the transition from the lowest class in the highest, as well as the multiplicity of their representatives. All this makes them significant and sometimes define the measures of class position. Most measures of class position are aimed at influencing the process of social inequality and convergence status positions of the general population of industrialized countries, because the formation of the middle class does not negate the existence of traditional class position and the stratification of differences. (Delaney, 2003)

6. What evidence is there to assess the adequacy and/or inadequacy of Marx’s predications about the relationship between workers and larger employers?
Many of the ideas on social inequalities derived from the Marxist theory of stratification and class. The mode of production determines the economic organization of each formation. Marx believed the economic organization of the main aspect of society. It includes a technology division of labor and, most importantly, a relationship formed between people in the production system. These relationships play a key role in the Marxist concept of class.
Marx argued that in any type of economic organization is the ruling class, which owns the means of production (factories, raw materials, etc.) and provides control over them. Due to the economic power of the ruling class decides the fate of those who are working for him. (Berberoglu, 2005)
Marx thought that workers would see that they were exploited – this would lead to a deep, inescapable conflict between workers and owners. Marx predicted that with the development of capitalism, the bourgeoisie would become richer, and the proletariat – poorer. The conflict would intensify, and in the end the workers would make a revolution, the revolution would be worldwide, leading to the overthrow of capitalism and the transition to socialism.
Marx’s prediction was wrong: capitalism has not led to results that he expected. First of all, government and the capitalists themselves began to pay more attention to the needs and demands of the workers due to political pressure and through the system of collective bargaining: now workers in the U.S. have high salaries and bonuses, in addition, they receive unemployment benefits.

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