Buy an essay on Toyota: A Visionary Company

Nowadays Toyota is a company that has been in the news a great deal lately. Their mission is to “Make Better Cars and Contribute to Society”.
As a fact, Toyota is all over the news these days because of the claims of the drivers.
In most accidents involving cars Toyota, defective due to a defect accelerator pedal, the drivers are to blame, as stated in The Economic Times. In its own investigation the Japanese automaker’s experts found that virtually all motorists mistakenly pressed the gas instead of brake, resulting in an accident and occurred. This was in an interview with Bloomberg told the press secretary of the American office of Toyota Mike Michels. In addition, exactly the same conclusion and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration USA (NHTSA), reports The Wall Street Journal citing a source close to the investigation. Nevertheless, the agency did not pronounce the facts, and their representative refused to comment on them. According to a representative of Toyota, in addition to confusion with the pedals, the cause of the acceleration and eventually crashes are foreign objects in the driver’s legs. This group also recognizes that in the test of the cars there were nevertheless detected problems with the electronics, as well as the possibility of sticking gas pedal because of the uncomfortable mats. In late 2009 – early 2010 group Toyota has recalled nearly nine million vehicles worldwide. The main problem in most of them is the spontaneous acceleration due to problems with the gas pedal. After trials with NHTSA and the U.S. Department of Transportation found that the Japanese automaker knew in advance about the possibility of problems and could prevent them, but did not. As a result, the company had to pay large fines in the history of automotive industry – 16.4 million dollars, which Toyota paid out in mid-May. In addition, World News indicates, that studying more than six thousand complaints about problems with the gas pedal in the Toyota cars, NHTSA concluded that the flawed work vehicle could cause the death of 89 persons. Also, Toyota cars have plenty of defects nowadays, as after 30 000-40 000 km cars often break as described on TV programs, as it is profitable to invent such details to provide further demand on them to provide work for Toyota service centers.
In February 2010, Toyota Company announced the possible presence of defects in engines of 270 thousands cars of Toyota and Lexus. According to Bloomberg, this failure, in some cases leading to the exit of the motor system, can cause new service campaign. The reason for the possible breakage of the engine is defective valve springs.
My interpretation of Toyota’s mission and vision includes responsibility for each sold car. Toyota tries to create an atmosphere in which professionals use their many years of experience and knowledge of advanced technology Toyota, responding to the interests of discerning customers. There are principles of the Toyota Centre, which include management decisions with long-term view, given the interests of valued customers, rather than short-term financial gain. Aware of its place in the history, Toyota tries to maintain the highest standards by thousands of highly skilled professionals. The main task of Toyota is to create value for the consumer, society and economy. Toyota takes responsibility, strives to control its own destiny, believe in their strength and ability. Toyota is responsible for what it does, supports and improves its own skills. As stated in The New York Times, Toyota Company is trying to organize the process, as only properly organized process gives the needed results. “Just in time” – the consumer receives service in the shortest possible time. Toyota is susceptible to daily fluctuations in demand, considers minor changes and reacts to them. Quality of service – this is the most valuable, also as promotion of new standards of quality and the creative potential of company’s employees. Before introducing new technology, Toyota’s professionals carefully examine the entire process from A to Z and offers only adjusted solutions. The company respects its partners and suppliers. Company tries to stimulate the continuous development and improvement. There is a continuing effort to analyze, learn and improve the entire process, from the decision and the realization of solutions in the result for the company.

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