Buy custom research paper: Call centres based in India

Obviously, the development of call centres based in India faces a number of problems which affect the job satisfaction of employees and provoke the high staff turnover. In actuality, call centres based in India are very attractive not only to foreign companies, which attempt to outsource their call centre services, but also to employees, who are eager to get a well-paid job as is the case of the job in call centres based in India, where the salary is higher compared to the average salary in India. In such a context, taking into consideration findings of the current study, it is possible to offer several recommendations to call centres based in India.
First of all, call centres based in India should attempt to improve their organisational culture. Obviously, today, call centres based in India face substantial problems in regard to the development of the healthy organisational culture. Therefore, the improvement of the organisational culture could contribute consistently to the improvement of the job satisfaction of employees and, thus, to prevent in a way the staff turnover. In this regard, call centres based in India should focus on the elimination of existing biases and stereotypes related to the work in call centres. Instead, they should develop the new organisational philosophy and culture, which should be grounded on principles of equality, tolerance and equal career opportunities for all employees. The better career opportunities are particularly important for employees working in call centres based in India, especially males, who suffer from gender-related stereotypes. The development of the healthy organisational culture can eliminate substantial obstacles on the way to the formation of the high job satisfaction of employees. Being satisfied with their job, employees are not likely to change their job. Instead, they are likely to improve their performance, effectiveness and productivity of work. Buy custom research paper
Furthermore, call centres based in India can improve the organisational culture and company-employee relationships through the change of their policies in relation to employees. To put it more precisely, it is possible to recommend call centres based in India to start conducting socially responsible policies. What is meant here is the fact that employees need to feel secure to be satisfied with their job and they should be certain in their future in the call centre they work in. The introduction of socially responsible policies can increase the job satisfaction because employees will feel secure and certain in their future in call centres. For instance, call centres should develop compensation plans, which correlate the experience of work of employees in call centres and the performance of employees. The more years an employee works in a call centre and the more effective the employee is the higher compensation plan the employee can count for. In addition, call centres can provide employees with health insurance, which can increase their loyalty to call centres and their job satisfaction. Employees can rely on call centres and be certain in the support of call centres. Moreover, call centres can introduce career development programs.
In the contemporary business environment, call centres based in India should improve interpersonal relationships within their organisational structure because, today, interpersonal relationships in call centres based in India are far from perfect. Instead, the improvement of interpersonal relationships can prevent conflicts within the organisation and, thus, increase the job satisfaction of employees. In actuality, the interpersonal relationships could be improved through the change of the management style in call centres based in India and, primarily, managers should recognize that the problem of poor interpersonal relationships does exist in call centres. The development of the transformational leadership style, for instance, can improve the relationships between managers and employees that will improve the job satisfaction of employees. The latter will lead to the prevention of the staff turnover in call centres based in India.
The improvement of the interpersonal relationships within call centres based in India can be reached through the development of team work. The team work helps employees and managers to work together effectively. They learn new approaches to the work and collaboration. Employees feel the support of managers, while managers act responsibly in relation to their employees. In such a context, the use of the transformational leadership by managers can facilitate the introduction of changes in the management style and help to close the gaps between employees and managers.
In addition, call centres should focus on the elimination of biases and stereotypes. As the matter of fact, call centres based in India should create the new philosophy and mentality in their employees. In this regard, call centres based in India should focus on the promotion of traditional democratic values, implying equality of all employees, tolerance, and equal opportunities for all employees. In addition, the new philosophy should promote the idea of the elimination of gender-related biases and stereotypes. At the same time, the achievement of positive outcomes of the introduction of the new organisational philosophy is impossible without effective methods of its implementation. In this regard, it is possible to implement the introduction of codes of ethics in call centres based in India, which define clearly the functions, responsibilities and duties of employees and managers. The code of ethics will lay the foundation to the fundamental moral values and norms all people working in call centres should meet.

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