Buy essay on Critical Analysis of the Concept of Performance Coaching as a Tool to Improve Individual Performance

Taking into considerations problem associated with coaching and the potential effect of coaching on both individual and organizational performance, it is possible to define the purpose of the study. In fact, the purpose of the study is to research the essence of coaching and different coaching models that can be applied in the contemporary business environment by modern organizations. The study should define the effectiveness of coaching models, their advantages and drawbacks as well as their impact on the individual performance. In fact, the individual performance is crucial for the understanding of the effectiveness of coaching and its impact on employees as well as on the entire organization, where coaching is applied.
On the other hand, it is important to focus on the work of coaches because it is obvious that the role of coaches in the overall success of coaching can hardly be underestimated. What is meant here is the fact that the study should focus on the research of coaching roles that can bring positive outcomes and contribute to the improvement of the individual performance. In such a way, it will be possible to reveal the effective coaching roles and models that can be used in the contemporary business environment. At this point, it is very important to refer to practical cases of the implementation of coaching to show that coaching can be effective or ineffective depending on the coaching role and model used by the company and the coach.
1.5 Explanation of key concepts and their differences
To conduct the research, it is necessary to define clearly key concepts and differences between these concepts. The following table shows key concepts that are used in the current study and their differences:
Table. Key concepts and their differences.
Counselling/Therapy Mentoring Consulting Coaching
Primarily deals with a person’s past and trauma and seeks healing. Primarily deals with succession training and seeks to help someone do what you do. Primarily deals with problems and seeks to provide information (expertise, strategy, structures, and methodologies) to solve them. Primarily deals with the present and seeks to guide a person into a more desirable future.
Doctor- patient relationship (Therapist has the answers). Older/Wiser – Younger/less experienced relationship (Mentor has the answers). Expert-problem owner relationship (consultant has the answers). Co-creative equal partnership (Coach helps employee discover their own answers).
Assumes emotions are symptom of something this is wrong. Is limited to emotional response. Does not normally address or deal with emotions. Assumes emotions are natural and normalises them.
The therapist must diagnose and then provides professional expertise and guidelines that will begin the path to healing. The mentor allows observations of his/her behaviour, expertise, answers, questions, provides guidance and wisdom for the state purpose of mentoring. The consultant stands back, evaluates a situation and then diagnosis he problem and suggests how to fix it. The coach stands with you and helps you identify the challenges, then works with you to turn challenges into victories and hold you ultimately accountable to reach your desired goals.

1.6 Summary of the dissertation
The dissertation focuses on the research of the application of coaching in the contemporary business environment. The study pays a particular attention to the essence of coaching and its major models and roles performed by coaches. In such a way, the study uncovers the effectiveness and impact of coaching on the individual performance, which, in its turn, may affect the organizational performance because the improvement of the individual performance of employees leads to the improvement of the organizational performance at large.
The second chapter of the dissertation is the literature review, which includes the analysis of researches and works dedicated to the problem of coaching and its impact on the individual performance. In terms of the study, the analysis of other researches is very important because it helps to discover key issues related to the use of coaching in the contemporary business environment and its effects. At the same time, the literature review helps to reveal the essence of coaching, its history and the application of coaching within organizations. The latter is particularly important because it helps to reveal the major coaching models and roles coaches perform in contemporary organizations.
The third chapter focuses on the research hypothesis. On analyzing the literature and researches conducted by different specialists in regard to coaching, it is possible to elaborate the research hypothesis that mirrors the essence of the dissertation and uncovers key issues raised by the dissertation, such as the impact of coaching on the individual performance of employees. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the hypothesis has to be proved in the course of the study or its incorrectness has to be revealed. Anyway, the research hypothesis will define the overall direction of the study and key issues raised in terms of the current study.
The fourth chapter will include the methodology used in terms of the dissertation. All methods used in terms of the study as well as subjects of the study will be discussed in this chapter. The fourth chapter will pay a particular attention to advantages and drawbacks of each method used to ensure that the set of methods used in the study can lead to the reliable and valid outcomes and findings.
The fifth chapter includes the analysis of the findings of the study. In fact, the analysis of the results is crucial because it reveals the key findings and helps to understand the extent to which they are reliable. In this regard, the analysis should be objective and rely on factual data collected in terms of the study and obtained in the result of the use of methods defined in the previous chapter.
The sixth chapter includes the interpretation of the results of the study. This chapter focuses on the further application of the findings of the study, prospects of the future study as well as limitations of the current study. In such a way, the chapter will define the scope of the current study, its limitations and future prospects of the further study in this area due to the findings made in terms of the current study.
The final chapter will summarize the study and reveal key facts and issues raised in the dissertation.

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