Buy term paper on Obesity: A Problem in the United States

Let us think about some of the most common socio-economic conditions, which contribute into the development of obesity. First of all we should notice a higher prevalence of these problems among groups with lower income or level of education education, ie, among people with lower socio-economic status. This is explained by the fact that they live in conditions in which the above determinants of obesity are more common, and have fewer opportunities to confront those kinds of effects that predispose to obesity (Bolin, 38-46).
The lower socio-economic status appears to correlate with indicators of poor nutritional status, predisposing to obesity, such as for example the low consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, reduced level of breastfeeding and higher consumption of high-calorie foods. Surveys have conducted that in countries with high income levels, adults and children with lower socioeconomic status tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle than their peers with higher socioeconomic status, which seems to attribute to lower availability, including fall economic point, sports and fitness clubs, less amount of free time, less knowledge about the benefits of physical activity and less positive attitude towards the benefits of such activity.
In countries with lower level of economic development a large proportion of the budget of many families is spent on purchasing food. In addition, these countries may be at a stage of changes in diet and habits. Traditionally, labor-intensive work at the working place and at home is increasingly replaced by sedentary lifestyle. The process of urbanization seems to help in increasing the consumption and marketing of energy-dense, but malopitatelnyh food, reducing the practice of walking as a means of movement and the transition to sedentary leisure activities (Brown, 20-31).buy term paper
As we can see, the problem of obesity is much more than just a health problem. And this problem has to be solved not only by every person by himself, but it should be controlled by the government. The most important for government is to deal with the producers of unhealthy food, but I’m sure that the way can be found.
Works Citied:

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