Buy term paper: Reasons for India’s growth as a favourable destination for Business Process Outsourcing

In actuality, the development of call centres in India contributes to the fast development of this industry and attracts foreign investors and multinational corporations to India. In such a context, the question concerning reasons of such a popularity and attraction of India for investors, foreign companies and multinational corporations arises. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that India is one of the leaders in the world call centre industry (See App. Figure 1). Today, the company has become the largest BPO hub for a huge number of companies outsource their call centre services to call centres located in India. In this respect, it is necessary to take into consideration several factors which define the attention of investors and companies to call centres based in India and the popularity of call centres in India. At this point, it is possible to distinguish the specificity of call centres and the modern economy, on the one hand, and the specificity of the call centre industry in India, on the other.
In actuality, specialists point out that call centres are unique workplaces and organizational cultures because they belong to multiple geographical spaces (Pal & Buzzanelli, 2008). In fact, this means that call centres are located in different parts of the world and outsourcing of call centre services is a widely-spread practice in the contemporary business environment. They operate internationally and many companies based in developed countries prefer to outsource call centre services to developing countries, such as India. In addition, call centres are universal and operate internationally because the modern economy tends to globalization, which eliminates frontiers between countries, whereas the use of English as the vehicle language in the international business communication helps call centres to operate successfully regardless of their physical location.

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As a result, lower costs of maintenance of call centres in developing countries, such as India, become an important factor that contributes to outsourcing call centre services from developed countries or from multinational corporations to developing countries and call centres located in India and other developing countries.
In this respect, specialists point out that such countries as India offer companies almost perfect outsourcing call centre services because their spaces and cultures offer arrays of possible structural positions (i.e., locations within work and non-work networks) and discursive as well as socio-cultural resources (i.e., linguistic, historical, and cultural devices that guide individuals’ interpretations of events and action and influence their representations of self) on which employees can draw when they choose their different identifications and (re)position their identities (Pal & Buzzanelli, 2008). In actuality, this means that India can offer companies willing to outsource their call centre services ample opportunities to use call centre services in the country, where the educational and professional level of employees along with the language competence is high enough to meet basic requirements needed for employees of call centres to operate internationally. To put it in simple words, call centres located in India can offer companies a wide range of call centre services and, what is more important, these call centres can operate internationally regardless of the physical distance between clients and companies.
At the same time, many researchers (Wahba & Bridwell, 1976) point out that what really makes India an attractive BPO hub is the local labour force which is professional and well-qualified enough to provide call centres services of the high quality and the low costs of the local labour force. In other words, companies outsourcing any services, including call centre services in India can count for a relatively high quality of services at a relatively low price.
In addition, India is close to the English-speaking world in regard to culture and especially language (Leidner, 1999). The high language competence is one of the essential conditions that attract companies operating internationally to India and Indian companies as subjects to outsourcing. Obviously, companies operating internationally need to have no communication problems with the target company that outsource a set of services. In this regard, Indian employees normally have a good language competence and they can use English fluently that eliminates language barriers between a company ordering outsourcing services and a company providing outsourcing services.
Furthermore, India attempts to integrate in the international economic community and develops close economic relationships with other countries of the world. In terms of its economic cooperation, India expands its business activities and offers a variety of services to its business partners. Indian companies offer services which may be of the high quality and meet needs and interests of companies operating internationally or located in other regions of the world. The local government conducts loyal fiscal policies in relation to foreign investors that encourages them to develop close economic cooperation with Indian companies and, thus, to outsource services using Indian companies and local labour force. In such a way, India becomes an attractive BPO hub for multinational corporations, companies operating internationally as well as other companies located in different parts of the world.
Finally, India has strong cultural links to the English-speaking world because this country is the former colony of Great Britain and British influence is strong in India, especially in terms of culture. At the same time, the country is located in Asia and, therefore, has close cultural links with Asian countries. In such a way, India turns out to be a bridge between Western civilization and Oriental civilization or Western culture and Oriental culture. The latter is particularly important in the contemporary globalized business environment, when companies need to develop effective cooperation and company-customer relationships, regardless of their cultural background. In such a situation, India and Indian employees turn out to be in an advantageous position because they are well-acquainted with both Western and Oriental cultures and, therefore, they will be able to work effectively with any company or customer, regardless of their origin or current location. Thus, India becomes almost a perfect place for the development of outsourcing, which, apparently, stimulates the accelerated economic development of the country.

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