Custom essays on Internet

The majority of Internet users, who leave the various private data on websites, rarely reflect on the security of this information and on fact that it can be presented on public review.
Steve Lohr describes in his article “How Privacy Vanishes Online” the risk of visiting different social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. People, who had profiles on such websites, often spread there a lot of materials, photos and movies about themselves, their friends and relatives. But it is a big mistake, because social networks are a huge database for computer companies, federal services, hackers, thief and scam. Due to the information about you that can be collected in the Internet, and especially in social networks, even your own Social Security numbers can be established. In most cases it’s done by the government to identify thieves, but it’s not already so. The advice which is given in this article by Jon Kleinberg, a professor of computer science at Cornell University, is: “When you’re doing stuff online, you should behave as if you’re doing it in public — because increasingly, it is.”
The recent event with Google search company, forced people to think on the safe of staying on the Internet. In “Google Responds To Privacy Concerns With Unsettlingly Specific Apology” article is written that social networking platform Google Buzz was launched unsuccessfully. The default function of data transmission to the contact list led to that personal information has become available to other people. Of course the company management apologized for the violation of privacy. Moreover the company will add $50 to all American bank accounts, as compensation for the inconvenience. On the one hand, this situation made people to think before spreading confidential information. Some users told that they would be more careful with their personal data. But, on the other hand, there are people who sustained a big stress.
However there is one more thing, which can permit you to have safe access to the internet and keep your data. It’s necessary if you are, for example, a backpacker travel and have to enter websites with unprotected computers. In the “Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn’t Respected” article author describes items which can help you with this.
The most necessary things are different Portable Apps, such as Keepass, Skype uTorrent, TrueCrypt, PortableTOR, MozyHome Backup and Xubuntu Live CD.
Keepass is a free open source password manager. This program keeps all passwords in database, whish is encrypted and locked with one master key or a key file. Also you can keep here important files, which you don’t want to be seen by another people.
If you want to chat safely you should have a portable version of Skype program. It’s one of the best programs which allows you to have real secure talk. But it is not recommended to use a legitimate Chinese version of Skype – “Tom-Skype”
If you need to enter the website or social network anonymously, it’s better to bring along with you the PortableTOR. This program doesn’t encrypt you massages and so on, but it permits you skip your stay on the site.
MozyHome Backup is a special program which allows you to “restore” necessary file from your MozyHome account to whatever machine you’re on at the time. MozyHome software stores data encrypted and downloads it encrypted as well.
All the above programs may be useful to all without exception. However you always need to remember that any program doesn’t guarantee the 100% safety of your personal data.
So try to keep the most important information in you mind and don’t let “the internet strangers” to find out more information about you than you want

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