Custom essays on Post-Modernism and the Twenty-First Century

Post-modernism designates a condition of culture after transformations. The term “post-modernism” cannot be understood as a designation of any style.
Modernism remains a child of an epoch of Humanism and Education post-modernism is built on disorders of the lost ideals. That’s way it is not intellectual.
Liotar considers that post-modernism “remembers” the cultural anamnesis like the patient during a psychoanalytic session. Post-modernism takes from the cultural memory scraps of dreams and builds diverse eclectic formations on their basis.
In the middle of the century the scared mankind starts to move back. Variety of processes characterises this return (an orthodox Christianity and aestheticism). As consequence of it the culture “escapes” from a dialogue to mimicry. The reflexion of this phenomenon finds the full expression in a post-modernism art. Mimicry does not deprive of a dialogue in a modern art process but shows it in the turned form. It is really important when it is connected with the change of valuable orientations of a society.
Virtuosity can mean the rupture with a tradition, the termination of a substantial dialogue of cultural epoch in a present context. It can become a symbol of the external virtuosity or skilful imitation.
Post-modernism was born as a phenomenon of art in the beginning. Then it has been realised itself as a literary trend. After this it has been identified with one of stylistic directions of architecture.
Post-modernism has begun to be perceived as the expression of the intellectual and emotional perception of an epoch by 80th.
It is necessary to distinguish post-modernism as the artistic current in art and post-modernism as the theoretical school, the specific art criticism methodology, which allows speaking about the existence of the special direction identified with post-structuralism.
According to Dianova V.M. post-modernism is the cultural current shown in the developed western countries and then appeared in some other regions. Post-modernism means the multidimensional theoretical reflexion of spiritual turn in the consciousness of the western civilisation, especially in the art and philosophy sphere. Then it was only found out in various spheres of human activity.
The relation to it is caused by the diversity of its own theoretical substantiations variously. The most loyal opponents believe that the occurrence of post-modernist theories can be justified an intention of their authors to comprehend a special situation in a culture and in a society, generated by over saturation of culture where the centre is lost. There is a requirement for correlation of various values to increase the world information.
The irreconcilability of other opponents is caused by reaction to the post-modernist criticism of the modernist project which should be rejected in their opinion. Otherwise, there is «a threat of its realisation». Leading authors of post-modernist theories subjected «the modernist project» to the detailed criticism and exclusive positions of separate discourses. They offered not to construct some cultural standards, to legitimatize a plurality and to recognise the equality of discourses.
There is a whole spectrum of theories between these two extreme positions of opponents in which one of the main points of impediments is post-modernism’s attitude to “modernism” or post-modern’s attitude to “modernist style”. The sense of these concepts can be cleared only in their correlation with each other.
Post-modernism is a difficult, eclectic and non-uniform phenomenon. The first ideas of postmodernist sense were staticized in the late sixties and they have been connected with a critical reflexion in philosophical contexts of a modern civilisation.
In a literal sense “post-modernism” is the phenomenon which follows a modern epoch behind modernism, and is connected with the judgement of style changes in the European art culture. The term “post-modernism” takes roots and gets the status well-known concept in the eighties.
Post-modernism is an art current in the literature and other art forms on the one hand and a theoretical reflexion on it on the other hand This reflection calls a postmodernist criticism
In the social sphere the postmodernism is a certain way of life, this society of conformism and the compromise. The people give way to “weight”, “electorate”, and intelligence to the intellectuals, the deprived intellectual complexes and acting as representatives of succeeding middle class. There are means and the purposes cease to be value on the first place. Things get on in the ideology incompatible.
The life starts to be perceived as game, a lottery, a matter of luck and good luck. The wide circulation is received by a fashion. The staging consists of the important line of a postmodern culture which cover all areas of a life (makes a policy, religion, etc.).

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