Custom term paper on Developmentally Appropriated Practice

The expression Developmentally Appropriate Practice is widely used by professionals who take care of children, in order to mention the care that takes into account such levels of child’s development as: physical, social, emotional, and intellectual. As there is no one right way to take care of children, so there are different instruction that focus on the development of a child and offers the care that is appropriate at different stages. These guidelines help to understand ways to care for children and help them develop positive self-esteem. Such guidelines have been developed by professionals and are based on idea of developmental appropriateness that consists of two parts: age and individual appropriateness.
Developmentally appropriate practice is important, because the healthy development in the early years is the foundation of child’s future well-being and success. A child’s healthy development in the physical, cognitive (mental), social, emotional and language areas depends on care and education that is positive and nurturing. Young children vary widely in their specific developmental and individual needs or conditions. With DAP caregivers benefit from a sound and accurate understanding of what children are generally capable of doing or not doing based on their age and developmental abilities. Children benefit when the adults around them provide a care environment that reflects an understanding of child development and developmentally appropriate practices.custom term paper
The topic of Developmentally Appropriate Practice is well discussed in the book “Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early Education”, written by Carol Gestwicki. The book was published in 2007 and it explains us what DAP is and touches such topics as developmentally appropriate physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language environments.
The program and methodic of DAP is different for every age group (Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Primary-Aged Children). This work is devoted to DAP of infants who learn new things by experiencing the world by seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and moving around. Babies learn how to trust through interaction with consistent, caring adults. Grown-up people need to hold, play and talk with the child. The adult helps the infant to learn by mentioning things to look at, touch, and hear. Also, toilet training, dressing and feeding are taught without any criticism and provide opportunities to let the infants do for themselves.
The best teaching technique for infants group is to give opportunities for the kids to use self- initiated repetition to practice newly acquired skills and to develop feelings of autonomy and success.
Cognitive Development. Infants are like sponges with arms and eyes. They mysteriously soak up the noises, sights, and tactile experiences that appear in their lives. How they convert this sensory soup into ideas and understanding is a great mystery, but it is becoming increasingly clear that cognitive development is related to brain development. The truth is that as children are exposed to a rich sensory world, the number of synapse connections in the brain is increased. During DAP, parents and teachers should point out objects or share items to look at, touch or hear. They need to share back-and-forth interactions such as peek-a-boo, hand games or finger plays; allow many opportunities for children to explore for themselves and play without interruption; enable children to build esteem by doing things on their own or for themselves; provide choices to children in doing activities, using materials or making decisions and also use a variety of approaches to care for and meet each child’s individual needs and foster children’s abilities.

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